miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2009

miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2009

miércoles, 15 de abril de 2009

My Conclusion

My conclusion of this video is that blogs are not only for fun they are also useful to tell our life to other or making public some experiences that we think they are important to a person to know. When we get to a job we will use blogs for many things, if somebody is a teacher they will use blogs to teach the kids or we can learn many things by using blogs and these things might be useful to develop our job how we supposed to do.
With the usage of blogs we can get to know other people and interact with them, so blogs are very important now because we can use them in many ways not only to post information, we can use it a lot and they are really helpful in our lives.

miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2009

Blog Questions

  1. -Blog: Is something that has entries and these appear from the newest to the oldest. Blogs also include comments and links. - Blogging: The act of writing a post for a blog. -Blogger: Person who writes contents for a blogs. -Blogosphere: Online community of blogs and bloggers.
  2. Long time ago internet was just a tool used for information and websites were simple. Now since web 2.0 evolutioned internet has come part of world.
  3. The firsts blogs stardted in early 1990s.
  4. Blogs gain popularity and today we have more than 100 million blogs.
  5. If we have more than 100 million blogs now in the future we will have more because blogs will become popular and everyone will start to use them.
  6. I don't like blogs because everyone can see what I write and I like privacy. What I do like is to be surfing the web because that's what I do most of my time.
  7. To Connect with People Like You
    To Express Your Thoughts and Opinions
    To Make Money
    To Stay Active or Knowledgeable in a Field or Topic
    To Make a Difference
    To Have Fun and Be Creative
    To Stay Connected with Friends and Family
    To Establish Yourself as an Expert
    To Market or Promote Something

    To Help People I choose this order because first of all I would like to know people like me and that's the basic reason. The other ones i don't really care.
  8. Define goals: I would like to teach what global warming is causing. Define audience: My audience would be everybody because is really important to know what's happening. Consistent: Teach about it as much as possible. Persistent: I would post at least 2 or 3 times a week new information to keep people interested. Be inviting: I would invite people to read my posts and to leave comments if they like or disagree something or even for recommendations so i can improve my blog. Be visible: Use public sites like facebook so people would know i made a blog. Take risks: This is very important because in order to learn how to use new things we have to take risks. Ask for help: Since I can't use blogs properly I would ask to somebody that really knows how to work with them so I can have a better blog. Keep learning: I would practice to really learn how to use it. Be yourself: We have to be ourselves in everything we do not only in blogs.
  9. I would post frequently new things in my blog so I can have people interested on my blog and on my topics.
  10. I would try to post only the most important things of my topic and not information that is useless. I would be frequent on my posting because that way I can keep all of my followers entertain, it would be a good idea if I post pictures and videos and I would decide if I leave a comment section.
  11. This is a phenomenon because some day we wont know what to post or why do we post.
  12. Find new sites so i can have more information and better information.
  13. I would like to discuss with other people from other countries about culture or about tourism in the country.
  14. I have to choose a topic that i like that, i know a lot of it, that it makes me be passionate, something that i can research easily a topic that is easy for me to explain.
  15. The home page is the most important thing because if we have an interesting home page many people will be attracted and they will check on our blog.
  16. Yes, they are acceptable because by writing my name and giving some information its not enough. I have to make people understand why i'm I creating a blog and what my blog is about.

miércoles, 11 de febrero de 2009


My hobbies are:

  1. Play soccer.

  2. Listen to Mayday Parade´s music.

  3. watch every saturday FC Barcelona.

  4. Facebookear :)

  5. Talk with people in Messenger.

miércoles, 21 de enero de 2009

me :(

My name is Cesar Bonilla I´m 16 years old,I´m in 10th grade, I´m in love and I study at panamerican school, every day i watch a couple kissing and huging,I like to watch movies, I like to have fun with bby jenn and oreo at LGV, I love soccer and I love my friends. My hobby is to play soccer.
bby jenn sucks :D but i still love her :D!!

Marcelita I LOVE U :D la adoroo marcelita hermosa :)!!

jueves, 15 de enero de 2009


Blogs are really important because these things show us information about different topics that might be useful for our life. Blogs are also made for fun because we can create sites to know new people from all over the world and also to communicate with our friends of the country, school or work. :)